Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to use commercial Web sites to help your affiliate commissions

!±8± How to use commercial Web sites to help your affiliate commissions

What the hell shopping.com? Well, it's one of the largest networks of online shopping available, and you can use to increase affiliate commissions. If you go to shopping.com, if you scroll down the page you will find a link called "Top Searches" that will tell you exactly what people in the command to find products and spend their money. For our example we will use the category Calculator.

So if we click on the computer, we find that the number oneKeywords people are searching for machines designed calculator, not a surprise, but then in the list are terms like you 89, 89 Texas Instruments calculator, etc. Now, this is basically a list of keywords that you point to your computer can encourage, if an affiliate program for Pocket PC, you can be addicted to them and start advertising.

Use another way to shopping.com, find a popular term and find a similar product to sell that audience, because usuallyPeople who are interested in computers, in case of computer or any interested party. Here you will find related products to sell in this market. Not only that, direct marketing, relationship marketing thinking.

If you do these things and find good products and good related products can be a lot of money just for people watching what they do. One last tip, do not always sell hard to waste his time building a relationship with the consumer offer added value, then ask them tomake a purchase.

How to use commercial Web sites to help your affiliate commissions

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